COVID-19 Update

Stratford ITM will be operating under normal hours however we will be doing this as contactless so this means there will be no entry into the store, staff will find what you need for you. We will have a table out the front of the shop and in the drive-through area that you will collect your orders from. People can enter the yard, as usual, ensuring the distancing rules and must tie down their own loads. The drive-through will be 3 customers at a time and entrances will be manned by a staff member. On arrival at our store, we require you to register your details for contact tracing purposes. This is for your safety and ours! We are taking email and phone orders and doing delivery’s however our stock is limited at this stage until orders start arriving in. Stratford ITM thank you for being patient with us during this time.

Please ensure you are following COVID-19 guidelines and help protect yourself and others. For COVID-19 updates please visit